Monday, December 8, 2014

Defending what you say

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Respond to the quote above.  What do you think it means? Do you agree or disagree and why?  Who was Voltaire- what qualifies him to make this statement?  Did Voltaire live his life by this statement, how so?  
Also, connect with the quote (text to self, text to text, or text to world)- how does the sentiment of the quote still resonate today- what situations can you think of that exemplify what Voltaire is saying?


  1. What I think this quote is saying is that when someone says something not true you can argue with them as much as you want to prove that they are wrong but they have the right to say it. Even though they are wrong they have all their right to say what they want and to give their opinion about it. So if someone tells me something and i disapprove it and someone else comes and says that they can't say that i will argue with that person to tell them that people can say what ever they want and i will defend them. I agree with this quote because people have the right to say whatever they want and whatever comes to their mind. If i don't agree with them and disapprove what they are saying that doesn't mean that they can't say it its just and opinion and everyone have the right to think and to say their opinions about something. "..his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of expression..." Since Voltaire cared about freedom of expression, he thought that everyone can say what they think and they have the freedom to express whatever they want even if they are wrong. This quote still resonate today because people are having different opinions about different things and people may not agree with others, but that doesn't mean they are going to make them change their opinions. They will except it because just like how they have their own opinions about things other people have other opinions about things too.

    1. I like how you talked about Mr.Voltaire and yourself in your journal. I also like how you made it easier to understand. Well done Hanadi.

    2. You used such simple words to describe such a big quote! Well written response!

    3. I liked how you made the quote easier to understand and I agree with you. GOOD JOB

    4. I agree with what you are saying everyone has the right to say whatever they wanna say no matter what. Well written journal.

    5. I like the way you gave a lot of description about him and lots of examples of his lifestyle very good and well written response.

    6. I agree with what you said and i liked how you explained your thinking about the quote.

    7. I understand what your saying, but I believe this quote implies the moment that one person comes and disagrees with what you're saying. That's just disrespect.

  2. I think this quote means that Voltaire gives chances and even though he disagrees with what the person says he will still defend his right to say it. I think depending on the circumstances of how bad a person might disagree with someone’s statement, that person should still have every right to say it. It is simply unfair if that person didn’t have a chance to express themselves even if one disagrees.
    Voltaire was a historian and philosopher famous for his wit. He was an advocate for freedom of religion and speech and I believe that’s what qualifies him to make this statement. His motive to write this quote was to show how he expresses freedom of expression. By being an advocate for these two things, he did live his life by this quote because they were his natural moral values. One situation today that can exemplify Voltaire’s statement is a courtroom. Even if a judge disagrees on what a defendant says, that defendant still has a right to express himself and say what he wants to say.

    1. I like how you actually made an opinion in your journal. I agree with what you said about Voltaire giving chances for other people to speak. Well done.

    2. I like how you used the judge as your example, Well done.

    3. I liked your idea of the quote and your example of the courtroom was a good one.

    4. I enjoyed reading your response and I agree with you.

    5. I agree with your response about how you state the meaning of the quote and also with your opinion.

    6. I agree with the fact that you stated that people should have the right to say their opinion and express themselves even if the person disagrees with them. It was very similar to the way interpreted it, so I could see why you said those things.

    7. Well said. I agree 100% Everyone should have a right to voice their opinion.

    8. I like how you explained you answer and you made it easier to understand.

    9. I like how you described you opinion and your thinking. Well done!

    10. I agree with how you said he gives chances

    11. I agree with you and I like your respond to this quote.

  3. I think this quote means that when you're stating your opinion and someone just comes and disagrees with you, then you are not supposed to say anything back to them because they have the right to say whatever they want, whenever they want. I agree and disagree with this quote because when you are stating your opinion and someone just comes and says that you are wrong then you just leave them alone because they stated there opinion just like you did. The reason why I disagreed with this quote is because when I am actually giving the effort to stand up and say my opinion to the people I will not like people saying "no" to my opinion. To be honest I never like being wrong or making a mistake. This can not happen because life is not always on your side and you will be wrong at some point in life. Voltaire was a versatile writer, producing works in almost every literary form, including plays, poems, novels, essays, and historical and scientific works. He wrote more than 20,000 letters and more than 2,000 books. I think that Mr.Voltaire likes to prove himself right and that is why he created this quote.

    1. I liked how you gave and example on how you agree with it but also provided reasons on why you disagree with it too.

    2. I disagree with you because if people disagree with you it's because they don't think the same as you do, and people have the rights to say that they disagree with you.

    3. I disagree. I think that everyone should have an opinion and be able to disagree with people because that's their opinion. In America, we have the freedom of speech and everyone has the right to state their opinion.

    4. I like how you used an example to describe what you mean.

    5. I like how you explained you example. Good job!

    6. I agree with you. I like you respond for why you agree and disagree.

  4. I think this quote is saying that everyone has a right to speak for themselves, and express their own ideas. Even if you don't agree with what they're saying they always have a right to say what they think, and just because you don't agree with them, doesn't mean that nobody else does. I agree because when i believe in something, a lot of people will disagree with me, but I still have the right to say it.
    Voltaire was a French enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher, famous for his wit, and his ideas for separation of the church and state. He is qualified to say this because he went against the church, which at the time would get you burned at the stake, so he knows that when he says something that people disapprove, he still has the right to say it. Also, just because the majority of people don’t agree with you doesn’t mean you’re wrong. Nearly nobody sided with the separation of the church and the state, but they realized that it was a bias government, favoring the Catholics, and not the law. This even still happens today, our government for example is mainly separated into democrats and republicans, both have many different ideas, and do not like each other. However, the government uses a bias belief to create the law, considering both sides of the argument as valid beliefs, and when they disagree with each other they still have the support of thousands of people.

    1. I like how you added so many details about Voltaire! Neatly written response.

    2. I like how you used a lot of information in your journal and not only talked about the quote but also talked about Voltaire.

    3. With you giving more information about Voltaire, I got more understanding about him then I got from my research. And I do agree with the way you understood this quote. Which in all I like your own opinion about how you got this quote as well.

    4. I like how you describe what you mean and used a lot of informatory to describe it.

    5. I agree with you everyone has the right to express there selves and say whatever they want even if its wrong.

    6. I really like the example you gave about how the government is biased.

    7. I like how you told so much about Voltaire and told us why he was qualified to say the quote.

  5. This quote talks about how even though a person might not agree with what you have to say, they still have to let you say it. It’s freedom of speech, everyone has the right to speak their mind even if others might disagree. I agree with this quote because I highly believe in freedom of speech and I as a person cannot sleep at night unless I have expressed how I feel about something or someone. Now I don’t mean this in a negative way, we still have to think before we speak, but no one should be afraid to speak their mind because others might have a hard time agreeing with it. I believe that people have different opinions and there’s always going to be that one person that has to disagree with what you have to say, but as long as you say it and express yourself than nothing else should matter. Voltaire was a French historian and philosopher famous for his wit. Voltaire did live by this statement because of his attacks on the Catholic Church concerning freedom of religion, and freedom of expression. This quote still resonates today because people always have a hard time on agreeing with what one has to say, but at the end of the day, it’s how you feel about yourself after speaking your thought.

    1. I agree with the things you are saying and I understand how you think when it comes to the quote.

    2. I really enjoyed reading your response, and we have similar thoughts about this quote. So, I strongly agree with your post that people should be given the right to speak their own mind.

    3. You have stated something that is true because even if you do not agree you should still give them a chance. Very good written response.

    4. I agree with what you said how they have to let you say what you think.

  6. I think this quote is saying that even if I may disagree with what you are saying then it doesn’t mean I’m gonna take your right away to say it. Everyone should be entitled to saying what they want as long as it is not offensive or rude. I agree with this quote because I disagree with a lot of people but I’ll still defend their right to say it. We shouldn’t be limited to what we can and cannot say. I wouldn’t take someone’s right to say something as long as I can still have the right to say what I want. Voltaire was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher famous for his wit. His advocacy for freedom of expression proves that Voltaire lived his life by this statement because he fought for the freedom of it and believed that we should be able to have our own expression without getting in trouble for it. I think an example is with the police and the people. People who get arrested have the right to say things if they want too or if they don’t want too. They don’t have to answer to the police and they can also say things as long as it is nothing horrible.

    1. I agree with what you're saying and I also agree with your opinion about the quote because we should respect people's opinion. Not only that we should also defend them to say it.

    2. I strongly agree with your post. Just people we might have different opinion from other people that doesn't mean we will stop listening to what they have to say. We should always give people the chance to express and say what they want and never attack them.

  7. In my mind this quote is telling me that how much I disagree with someone’s thoughts or opinions they should still have the right to say it. I agree and disagree on this one. The reason why I agree is because even though I don’t like what they have to say, who am I to judge or say anything about what they think. If they like it, they like it. If they think its right, they think its right. So no one has the right to stop them from letting out their thoughts and opinions except for them , they’re entitled to their own opinion. Then a side of me disagrees with this, the reason behind that is because some people don’t have patience, anger management and a sense of thought. So, when they don’t like what other people think they feel the need to make a catastrophe out of it or a riot.Born on November 21, 1694, in Paris, France, Voltaire was exiled to Tulle in 1715. Two years later, in 1717, he returned to Paris, only to be arrested and exiled to the Bastille for a year. This conflict/quote/right still is found in our generation. Like look at the way people are separating each other because of what we believe in or even if we don’t believe in anything at all. Look at the way people act towards each other just because they aren’t gay or straight. Just take a look at the way people treat each other just because they like the way they look and don’t need to have a nice body , don’t need to take of the scarf and don’t need to change the way their style. It’s just sad to give people the right to say what they want to say but then neglect that right with rude, hurtful and suicideous words. It’s honestly hard to think and look at what the human race has become of themselves.

    1. I totally agree because every person have a right to argue with someone else to prove you wrong.

    2. True, we should let others speak their own mind and never let them stop from saying what they feel. Everyone has the right to say what they want even though we might disagree, but we should listen to them no matter what.

    3. I agree, with you that we can't judge anyone each and everyone has the right to speak what they want as long as its not rude.

    4. I agree with you fully because I don't think that anyone should judge about their your opinion. In the end everyone does how different say in things. And your examples really made the reader understand what you thought about this quote. And how you even have your own opinion as well. But in all I enjoyed reading this.

    5. I agree with you, even if you don't agree what a person says they still have the right to say it, good job.

    6. I definitely get what you're saying because some people are respectful of others' opinions and they don't let it bother them. The people that make a huge deal about a different opinion, I see those all the time. I don't get what the point of it is nothing is accomplished because in the end both people would still have their original opinions.

    7. I love your answer for this quote. Your explanation is really good.

  8. What this quote is explaining that people can argue that what they believe is right, but they can say it anyways. For example, if I believe in something and I am arguing about it, and comes a friend and start arguing with me to prove me wrong because they believe that what am saying is not what they believe in. People should speak up and argue about their opinion and I defend them to do so because even if you’re wrong I am not allowed to take your right of saying it. I agree with this quote because everyone has their own opinion and everyone should respect one’s opinion. François-Marie Arouet, known by his nom de plume Voltaire, was a French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher famous for his wit. He was an advocate for freedom of religion and speech which that’s what qualifies him to make this statement. Voltaire lived his life by this statement because he fought for the freedom of it and believed that we should be able to have our own expression without getting in trouble for it. An example for this quote is that when you have a trial in the court people can say what they think is true and the judge can’t take people’s right.

    1. I agree with you people can argue that what they believe in is right to prove the other person wrong.

    2. I agree with you because people have the right to state their opinion when they have their prove.

    3. I liked how you stated that people should defend their opinion even if you're right or wrong, at least you tried to explain your side. I also agree with people should respect others' opinions, whether you agree or disagree.

    4. good job i agree with you

    5. I agree with how you say that you have the right to speak your mind

  9. This quote basically means that even though there is times where you have to disagree with someone, you will still have them to say what they need and listen to their opinions or point of view. What I like about this country is that they give us "Freedom of Speech" which means everyone has the right to say whatever they want, and there is no one there to stop them. I surely agree with this quote because I have been through situations where I have to listen to people and accept their opinions even though I disagree with them, but still I give them the right and respect to express their point of view. Voltaire wrote the satirical novella Candide and, despite controversy during his lifetime, is widely considered one of France's greatest Enlightenment writers. He wrote this statement because he has been through issues concerning his freedom. This quote still resonates today because people wants to be right on everything, and if they see someone opposite than their opinion they will try to make him understand he is wrong and not accept and respect other’s opinion. I would say this is totally wrong, don’t try to attack someone on something they believe is true. Let people speak their own mind.

    1. I agree with you because a lot of you disagree with them you still tell them that you agree with them

  10. I think this quote means that even if a person is wrong they have the right to say what they wanna say and stand for themselves. When someone says something wrong you have the right to say what you gotta say and prove them wrong. We all have different opinions on things. Voltaire was a historian and philosopher famous for his wit. He was an advocate for freedom of religion and speech and I believe that’s what qualifies him to make this statement. His motive to write this quote was to show how he expresses freedom of expression.
    Walaa Al kinan

    1. I agree with you they do have the right to say what they feel like. I like the way you described him in your point of view.

    2. I believe your on to something with you view , but what I really liked what the last sentence when you described why you think he would write this quote. Also your journal could of been longer but overall this was good entry.

    3. I agree that everyone does have different opinion.

    4. I agree with you because everyone have to believe anything that they want to believe

  11. Well this quote states that he may disagree with what you have said but he will not take the right away from you to state your opinion. He will give you a chance to state your own response even if he does not agree with you. I do agree with this quote because even if they disagree with you, you should still have the right to give your own response or opinion.He was a French philosopher and writer of the Age of Enlightenment. His intelligence and style made him one of France's greatest writers and philosophers. He did live by this quote because he thought everybody deserved the right to state their opinion as the desire even if you disagree.
    Tamara Macedo
    per. 4

    1. You could of written more but overall this was pretty good. I liked how you focus on who Voltaire was because he is the one who wrote this quote. Also liked how you stated your position in the beginning of the journal and also at the end to make sure the reader knew what you were arguing for.

    2. i AGREE !!!!!!!!!

  12. So before i say anything else, Voltaire didn't say this. Evelyn Beatrice Hall wrote this.This was in her biography of Voltaire. Just saying.

    I agree with this quote. This is basically the basis for free speech. Even if someone doesn't agree with you, it doesn't mean they don't have the right to say it.

    The only problem that I have with this, is that some people will take this to the extreme. hate speech isn't free speech. If everyone could remember that, this world would be a lot better than it is now. You can't say something that's going to make me upset, and then say that you have free speech so I can't get mad. Before you speak think: Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind? You literally have to think.

    As long as people continue to have brain cells and mouths, this quote will resonate. We have brains that form ideas and opinions. And we have mouths that will always want to state those opinions.

    1. I agree with what you're trying to say, but I think that not all forms are bad. Yes, there are people who say offensive things, but it's still their opinion. If it upsets you, and they say that, obviously they don't understand the knowledge that everyone should have which is called "common sense". Yes, it's their opinion, but I agree with you that some people should think before they speak.

    2. I 100 percent agree on the fact that people will always state their opinions, whether good or bad. Some people just revolve around negativity, so they don't look at the other person's perspective. And I definitely agree on think before you speak.

    3. Hahah Olivia, That first paragraph., xD Well yes i do agree with you because we do have freedom of speech and yes some people do take it to the extreme. Everyone should be careful with what they say!

    4. Amazing first paragraph! Other than that I do agree with you.

    5. I agree with you.People shouldn't use freedom of speech as an excuse to bully or offend somebody.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Monday, December 8, 2014

    Defending what you say

    “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

    Respond to the quote above. What do you think it means? Do you agree or disagree and why? Who was Voltaire- what qualifies him to make this statement? Did Voltaire live his life by this statement, how so?
    Also, connect with the quote (text to self, text to text, or text to world)- how does the sentiment of the quote still resonate today- what situations can you think of that exemplify what Voltaire is saying?

    I think that he's trying to state that although people don't agree with what you say, you should still have the freedom to state your opinion. This quote shows how strongly he wanted his country to understand that we should give people the right to speak their mind. During his time, the laws were different, so they didn't have a form of freedom of speech like we do today. It shows how he, despite the fact that he might get in trouble, wanted this freedom.

    I agree with this quote because I feel that everyone should have the chance to at least tell what they think. I hate how in some other cultures that they believe that only the older person should make the decision because the younger generation knows nothing. Everyone should have a chance to tell people their ideas. Maybe, it'll help people in the future. I think that no matter how old or young you are, it shouldn't matter. Everyone should have a chance to say something.

    Voltaire or, Francois-Marie Arouet, was a French enlightenment writer. He wrote many letters and books. He was famous for challenging the established Catholic Church's rules. He wrote to state his opinion and strongly thought that everyone should also.

    He totally loved his life by his statement. He would always challenge the Catholic Church and write in a way that would almost get him in trouble. He always wanted to state his opinion. He did it so much that he was on strict censorship laws.

    I think that it still applies to life today because in America and a couple other countries, we have the freedom of speech. But depending on the country you're in, it can limit your freedom too. In America, it's a part of our rights. It's actually written down that we have the right to speak freely and not get in trouble for it. Well, for stuff like getting arrested that is. If you curse in school and get punished for it, you can't really yell at the teacher for trying to take away your right of freedom of speech because the teacher is trying to teach you the right way to act. I think he meant by the situation as in, his time. Because during his time, the laws were very strict and people couldn't speak as freely as we do. Back in his time, if he criticized the ruler, something bad might've happened. But in our time, we talk badly of Obama all the time. I think he was trying to get people to think that we should state our opinions even if people don't agree with it because there's a chance that it might actually be a good idea and help us move forward.

  15. I think he was trying to state that we should all be able to state our opinions and although we may all not agree, there could be someone who agrees with this person and they could do something even greater than what the others thought. I feel that we should all state our opinion because if you don't say anything, no one will ever know about an idea that might have been amazing. You could have created something great, but because you didn't say it, it never happened. I think he wanted his country to realize this.

    1. I like how you responded to this quote. And I understand what you got out if this quote. Which everyone does have a right to say something. Which in your words how if you didn't say it then it might be way different then if you didn't say anything at all. But in all I like how you were thinking.

    2. I agree on how you said people should state their opinions about an idea that could turn into something big and extravagant. But they should limit their negative opinions because it can really hurt others.

    3. I definitely agree with you that everybody should be able to state their own opinions.

  16. What I think about this quote is that everyone has a right to say something. Though we might not agree with them, they do have the right to have their own ideas and express it as well. I agree with this quote because people do have arguements about ideas that would be wrong to them. Which I don’t really like but when they have their own ideas and back it up with reasonable informatioin. And with my exprience with this would be that when some would say that anime is the same thing as a cartoon. Which we both had are own opinion about it, which I might not like it but in the end we still have an opinion which we would still stand by. Voltaire was a French enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher, famous for his wit, and his ideas for separation of the church and state. He qualifies to say this quote because he went against the church, which at the time you would get you burned at the stake for not agreeing with something, so he knows that when he says something that people would try to disapprove him, still has the right to say it. This quote could be used today because everyone would have different ideas about things. Which might know that they do have the right to say it. That would be called freedom of speech, when expressing that speech they should have some information backing them up to show that they defend their idea.

    1. Melissa Morales
      Per: 6

    2. I like your perspective of this quote , also your examples were very good. Also liked how you describe your ideas and back it up with personal, life relations. Overall pretty good journal.

    3. I like how described and explained your examples. God Job.

    4. I enjoyed reading your quote and I agree with you. I also love all the examples you used.

    5. I like how you told us exactly who he was and what he did and why he was saying this quote.


  17. Voltaire was a French Enlightenment writer , historian , philosopher who is famous for his wits on the established catholic church. Voltaire was always against the church because he felt the beliefs of the church were too general and not specific. Also Voltaire has many harsh beliefs about death and afterlife because he was recognized during the period of the Enlightenment.

    I agree this quote because everyone will never always agree on the same type of matter because everyone has their own opinion on everything. Everyone Has a right to defend for their opinion because we live in a society where everyone beliefs matters but is always heavily criticized. People are gonna respect your opinion because that just how people are , but people will fight for your rights. Nobody stands alone in this world , well people stay united at times. Voltaire was on too something because the first part of the quote because of course everyone gonna think that their always right no matter what , and also listen and defend what your saying if your very close to the person or if they think that you might be part right as well.

  18. I think this quote means that even of other disagree with another person's opinion they still have to state their opinion. I agree because we all think differently but when a person agrees or disagree with another person they should have reasons that got them to the thought of agreeing or disagreeing. For example, my sister doesn't like school and she things that working more then one job is way better and easier then studying for years and its more work. But I disagree with her because work hard at the beginning makes life way easier and also I could be sure that I won't get fired and get payed with higher wage/salary.
    Rania Alkas Hanna

    1. I like what you put about the quote and that you gave an example.

    2. I like how stated that we still have to consider or keep in mind what others like, even if you disagree 120%.

    3. I really like how you gave a personal connection.

  19. I think this quote is saying that if a person has opinion about something, you don’t always have to agree with it, but the person still has the right to say what he/she believes in. I agree with this quote because people aren’t always going to agree or disagree with you, but we have the respect their point of view. We can argue and argue about who is right, even if we know they are wrong, but there is a reason behind every persons thoughts. I believe listening to someone’s opinions or feelings will let you see a whole new meaning of it, or why they chose to say what they said. Voltaire was a French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher famous for his wit. He supported and believed in freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and separation of church and state. This shows me that he believed in the “Freedom of Speech,” he probably didn’t agree on much with people, but he still acknowledged their beliefs. This quote is still true today because you have to remember people aren’t always going to think like you, you just have to accept the fact that they have their own thoughts and comments.

    1. I completely agree with what you said about the quote.

    2. Your explanation was great and i totally agree with all of it! xD

    3. I agree with you because you don't have to agree with everybody and not everybody will have to agree with you.

    4. I agree with your response to the quote because people disagree all the time, but we all have our own thoughts and opinions.

    5. I agree about how the quote is true today.

  20. I think this quote means that people have a right to freedom of speech and those rights should be protected by all means. This is our constitutional right, by the First Amendment. I agree with this quote because people have a right to voice their opinion whether right or wrong as long as you do not hurt anyone while stating your opinion. Voltaire was a French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher. His attacks on the established Catholic Church and his advocacy of freedom of religion and freedom of expression. He was also an outspoken advocate. As you can tell Voltaire accomplished a lot. I think he lived his life by this statement he seemed to be an outspoken person and stated his opinion. This quote still resonates today, it can still apply to situations. A situation in which this applies today or in the past I guess was with Mike Brown. Many people loudly voiced their opinion and actions. Not all of it was good, they did damage things but they were heard and they stated and absolutely voiced and showed how they felt. We do have a right too…

    Shakira Wilkerson

    1. I like all the details !

    2. I love the way you came about this quote . You had many great points and i enjoyed reading your opinion . I agree that this quote does still resonate today . Good Job

    3. I agree with your statement about people saying what they want as long as no one is hurt. I feel like some people think that freedom of speech means that you get to say anything you want about a certain group of people just to make them feel bad.

    4. I agree with you and I like your meaning for this quote.

    5. I like what you said about not hurting anyone while stating your opinions. I kind of wrote something along those lines also. I definitely agree.

  21. I think it means that we have a right to say something and we can’t hold someone against that. Voltaire basically said say what you what and i am doing to defend that you can say it, not saying that i agree, but i do agree that you are able to voice your opinion. I do agree with what he's saying because its true! Voltaire was a philosopher. So i would say that since that was his job he has to voice his opinion and he probably heard a lot of stuff that he didn't agree with. I think that everyone can live by this because not everyone will have the same ideas and think the same way. So i just think that is something we all could just take and live by.
    Danel'a Garrett per. 6

    1. I agree that we do have the right to say what we want to, but I also feel as if we do have a certain limit. He does that whatever you say, even if I don't agree, I wouldn't judge but that I'd defend you til death.

    2. I agree that we have a right to say what we want . I like how you worded this . Great Job .

    3. I like that you went into detail about why Voltaire was saying this quote.

  22. What i think this quote means is that when someone said or did something and you disagree with them, you can tell them your opinion about it but you can't tell them not to give their onion because they have the right to do and say whatever they want. I can relate to this quote because if i said something and people disagreed with hem me they can tell me and they can give their opinion but i wouldn't let them tell me that i can't do what I'm doing because i can do and say whatever i want. Voltaire was a historian and philosopher famous for his wit. He was an advocate for freedom of religion and speech and I believe that’s what qualifies him to make this statement. His motive to write this quote was to show how he expresses freedom of expression.

  23. I think that Voltaire means that not everyone will agree with what you have to say whether it is an opinion about a school project to a political campaign, but that it should be respected. And should be fought for. Also, you can say it is linked to our everyday lifestyle because we have the freedom of speech, we can say what ever we want, and express ourselves in whatever way possible because no matter what we do, we are protected by the first amendment. For example, I remember freshman year, when a lot of my teacher were getting laid off and I didn’t like it because they in my opinion were the and still are the best teachers out there. And i wasn’t the only one who thought it was injustice, and thought that the wrong teachers were getting fired. Therefore, as a community the whole school did a walkout, and at exactly eight o’clock in the morning we walked out of our classrooms, we walked around our neighborhood, we screamed and let the people know that we weren’t going to let it happen. Getting our word out, seeing that we were on the news, and we were letting them know what we were up to., because not only did we do our best to keep our school but to feel at home. You don’t fight for something useless, you fight for something, someone worth the time. And that’s exactly what Voltaire meant, that he might not agree with us but will fight with us to keep our voice and let us be heard.

    1. I agree that not everyone will agree with you but that you shouldn't feel upset or offended that people don't feel the same way because you won't always agree with what you say.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I feel as if Mr. Voltaire is saying that even though he didn't agree with something that someone said about something he wouldn't criticize them about it because it was their opinion and that he would defend them for what they felt. I agree and disagree because I won't always defend something that someone else said. Voltaire was a French writer, historian, and philospher. I don't completely feel as if he's qualified to say this because he did criticize intolerance, religious dogma, and the French institutions of his day. I think this is text to text because he is talking about criticism that people say about things and their opinion about things.

    Gabrielle Torres per. 6

    1. I agree with your first sentence . I like the way you made an opinion of his quote from his point of view . Although , i feel like you could get more in depth with your responses (: good job though

  26. I think this quote means that we have the right to say what we want but not everybody will agree with us.I believe that Voltaire was disagreeing with somebody but as long as they were able to speak their mind he was satisfied.I think that it really mattered to him that people spoke their mind.It should matter to everybody that they speak their mind so that nothing is left unsaid, but you always have to remember that if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything.In Voltaire's times they didn't have the right to speak their mind and that is a privilege that we have today.A situation that can explain this quote is for example, all of the riots going on nowadays.The protesting that is happening thanks to police brutality, but even though no everybody agrees with the protesters or the jury's decision they all have a right to say something.This quote definitely still resonates today because there are places in the world where people can't speak their mind.
    Voltaire was a French poet and philosopher.He was exiled many times for plainly speaking his mind.He got arrested because he was the only person who actually had the guts to step up and say something.

  27. I like and agree with this quote because even though we all think different we all agree on our human rights of opinion. Also every one has the freedom of saying whatever they want. I believe that this quote has something to do with the authors life or experience of opinion because it says that he may not agree with it but he will defend it because he respects the person that said it.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. To me the quote means that everyone has a different opinion on things and you should respect that. Everyone has the right to state their opinion and they need to be respected even if it’s different than yours. I agree with the quote because it’s very likely that you will meet someone who has a different opinion than you on something. Those people have a right to say it and you should respect that. If it really bothers you that someone else has a different view on things than you, then try to ignore that person if it bothers you that much. Most opinions don’t change how people are so I don’t think it should matter. When we meet someone with an opposing view on things than us we can’t just immediately start fights or wars. Some people believe in something so strongly that they get angry when someone believes something else. When I say to ignore them, I don’t mean completely because that can make you look ignorant sometimes. Voltaire was an Enlightenment writer and he was considered one of the greatest in his time. I think he lived by this statement because he wanted freedom of expression, religion, and separation of state and government. I think he lived by the statement because freedom of religion and expression would allow people to believe in what they wanted and they would be able to express themselves. So in a way he knew that there would be different opinions if this happened but that’s why he wanted it. He was willing to die so that people could believe what they wanted. This still resonates today because everyone has different opinions but we aren't so peaceful about it. -Bryan Gavilanes Per. 5

    1. I like how you stated that we should respect others opinions. After all their point of view is different from ours. A mean it's everyday you meet someone the same race as you, and agree with all the time.

  30. Journals: Defending what you say

    I think this quote means that he disagrees with your statement, but will go as far as dying to defend your right to say it. For example, let’s say my friend believes that Jesus is God. Now, I don’t believe that because we have different religions and beliefs. But, if someone tried to tell her she can’t say it I’ll defend her, even if that person is me which it won’t be. I’ll die protecting her rights. This is what I think Voltaire meant when he created this quote.
    Voltaire was a French writer, historian, and a philosopher. He wrote in all sorts of forms of literacy. For example, plays, poems, novels, essays, and more. He wrote over 20,000 letters and more than 2,000 books. You can tell he loved all the forms of literacy. He strongly believed in freedom of expression, and he believed that anyone could speak their mind. This still lives on today because we have the freedom of speech and no one should change your opinions or beliefs.

    1. I agree with you and I like how you used examples for what the quote means

    2. I agree with every word you said. It may not be true or what you believe, but it feel that way, it's not the end of the world.

  31. I think this quote means that if anyone wants to say anything they have the right to say it .
    You might disagree with it but you can’t do anything about it because they have a right to say whatever they want . I agree because when i say something i know no one can tell me anything because i have the right to say anything i want , and whatever is on my mind. Voltaire wrote this quote , he wrote poems and was a philosopher . He qualifies to state this because he went against the church and everyone disagreed with him . He lives by this because he went against the church even though they could burn him . I can agree with him because when someone is saying something i don’t agree with i know i can’t do anything about it .

    karime castrellon per 5

    1. I like your responce but you repeated "I can say whatever i want" too many times. Try not to repeat sentences next time and be more specific. :)

    2. I agree because evreyone has freedom of speech

  32. I think this quote means that no matter how much i disagree with what your saying i will never deprive you from saying it . I agree with this quote because everyone has different mindsets, so there is no possible way you can agree with someone on everything, but you can’t refuse them of speaking their mind. It’s one thing to voice your opinion, but putting some down and insulting someone because it’s your “ opinion “ is different , in that case it’s not right . In some situations it’s okay to say how you feel about someone or something but if you’re genuinely talking bad upon someone to hurt them then i disagree , but no matter what i will never stop you from expressing how you feel . In life people need to be able to take in what others have to say and sometimes ignore it , not everything someone says about you is important . Actually , the only opinion you should care about is your own , but no one should revoke someone from explaining the way they feel .

    François-Marie Arouet was a “ French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and separation of church and state. Voltaire was a versatile writer, producing works in almost every literary form, including plays, poetry, novels, essays, and historical and scientific works. He wrote more than 20,000 letters and more than 2,000 books and pamphlets. He was an outspoken advocate, despite the risk this placed him in under the strict censorship laws of the time. As a satirical polemicist, he frequently made use of his works to criticize intolerance, religious dogma, and the French institutions of his day.”

    Leanna Watson
    Period 6

    1. You did a good job explaining this quote and I like how you put your response and opinion into words. I agree with you when you related this quote with the things that go on today in our generation. You did a good job and gave good details.


  33. I think the quote is saying that even though you disagree with someone, they should still have the rights to say what are their opinions. Not everyone think the same and have the same opinions about things, so that doesn’t mean they don’t have the rights to speak their minds. Maybe they’re right and you’re the wrong one, that’s why everyone should be able to tell you their opinions. I strongly agree with this quote, because how would you feel if someone tells you to agree with them even though you don’t. Everyone thinks they’re right and the person in front of them is wrong. I mean you can defend what you are saying, but you don’t have the right to tell someone to think in a way that you think. Voltaire was french enlightenment writer. I sometimes disagree with my friends and we argue, but I would never tell them not to say something just because I don’t agree with them. There are still people now think that if they think something is right everyone else has to, too. And I disagree with people that are like that.

    Sarah Ali
    Period 5

    1. I agree with you this quote means that everyone has the right to say what they want even if its wrong. I like your respond to the quote.

    2. I agree with what you have to say because everyone has different opinions and we should all be able to express that. Well done!

    3. I agree with you and I like how you worded out the explination

    4. I agree and i like how you used examples

    5. This is a great explanation about what the quote means.

    6. I like how you were specific on your reasons

  34. I think this quote means that anyone has the right to say what they want even if its wrong or right, some people may agree with you and some may not. I agree with this quote because anyone can and has the right to say what they think, their ideas, and opinions nobody can take that right from you.
    Voltaire was born on November 21, 1674 in Paris, French and he died in May 30, 1778. He was an enlightenment writer, philosopher, and playwright. He was famous for his wit, attacks on the established catholic church and his advocacy of freedom of religion of expression and separation of the church and state, I think this was the reason he wrote this quote. He wrote more than 20,000 letters and more than 2,000 books. I think this quote still resonates with today because today we still have people who thinks other people don't have the right to say what they think.
    Kiara Tello
    Period 5

    1. I agree with you and I like how you added more to who voltaire is than just one fact about him

    2. I agree that everyone has the right to give their opinion, and that nobody can take this right away from you.

  35. I think this quote means that we have freedom of speech and even if you don’t like what someone is saying it doesn’t matter because we have freedom of speech. I totally agree with this quote because people can say whatever they want even if you don’t like what they’re saying. We have rights and we can say what we like even though sometimes it may be mean and stupid. Voltaire was a writer, historian. He lived his life by statement because he followed the rules. Text to world: A lot of people really say whatever they want because of freedom of speech. Sometimes that could be really bad because people take it to far. It still resonates with today because everybody says really what ever they want. I think some people make mistakes and take their speech to far. Then they get into some bad conflicts and stuff happens that really shouldn’t have happened.

    1. I like the party when you said everyone have freedom of speech

    2. I like when you said '' people can say whatever they want ''

  36. I think this quote means that everyone has the right to have their own opinion, despite how many people disagree with you. Freedom of speech is something everyone’s entitled to and nobody has the right to take that away. I agree and disagree with what Voltaire has to say. On one hand, I agree because people all have different thoughts or opinions on certain topics and they should be allowed to express that. On the other hand, I disagree because difference of opinion can potentially start problems. Voltaire was famous for his attacks on the established Catholic church, his support for freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and the detachment of church and state. The sentiment of this quote still resonates today because everyone has they’re own opinions and beliefs, and you just have to learn to accept that.

    1. I also believe that it means that everyone has the right to there own opinion.

    2. I think it was great that you disagreed and agreed with this quote and you explained your reasoning. Good job!

    3. I agree with your reasoning. I like how you stated that everyone is in titled to freedom of speech. Sometimes, freedom of speech can get out of hand and can be taken to another level. Despite what others say, it is your opinion and your opinion is what you think, not what they think.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I think this quote is saying that you can disagree with what someone is saying but you will help the person out if someone is trying to take away that right. This is all about freedom of speech. I agree with this quote because every person has the right to speak their mind, Everyone has the right to say what they feel. No one can take away the right of you saying it. Voltaire is a Fresh enlightenment writer. He was born November 21, 1694 and died May 30 1778, He qualifies to say the quote because of his attacks about Freedom of expression and religion. Not only did he do that but he was able to adapt to writing , producing, writing plays, poems, novels, Etc.

    Juniyah deloach

    1. I kind of get what you're saying with helping someone if that right is taken away. You and someone else might have a different opinion but you are able to have those opinions because of your rights so those 2 people could work together because they know that the right to speak your mind is necessary to have opinions.

    2. I like how you included freedom of speech in your thoughts about this quote.

    3. I like how you included "freedom of speech."

  39. I agree with your responce and i also like how you mentioned the "freedom of speech" part, great job.

    1. I agree because everyone has freedom of speech

  40. I think this quote means he doesn’t have to agree with what you are saying but he will fight for your right to say it. I totally agree with this quote because not everyone has the same viewpoints, but everyone should have the right to say what they believe in. He was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of speech,freedom of expression..

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I love this quote. This quote to me means that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You may not agree with it, but it is their say. Voltaire was an enlightenment writer and is known for his attacks against the Catholic Church explain both freedom of religion and freedom of expression. He definitely lived his life by this quote because he expressed his beliefs. Today, people in America are lucky because they can express their thoughts and feelings and not be punished like people would back then. Stephanie Novela

  43. Voltaire was an enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher. He was famous for his wit and his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, expression, and separation of church and state.
    This quote means that everyone has a right to say what they want to say even if you don't like what they are saying. I agree with this quote because I think everyone should be able to state their opinion. Voltaire did live by this statements because he stated his beliefs.

    1. I would have never thought that he would be religious. So thanks for helping me know that.

    2. I agree with your thinking. I agree with what you were saying about how everyone has a right on what to say. I also like how you said that everyone has there own opinion to say.

  44. I believe that Voltaire is saying that I don't like what you say to me even if it is true. I agree with him because I would like the same thing. Voltaire was an enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher. He was famous for his wit and his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, expression, and separation of church and state.I believe that he is saying that you have the right to do or say something to someone and they probably wont get offended.I believe that he is saying that have the right to say and you have the right to hear whatever I say.

    1. I agree with your thoughts about the quote, Good job.

    2. I disagree with what you think. I do not believe that he thought that he does not like what there saying even though its true. I disagree because if someone were to be arguing with you, and you agree with them, you would not disagree with them if its true. I mean like if your trying to lie, then you probably are, but if you are not, then you would agree.

  45. I believe this quote is stating no matter what you say whether it is nonsense or realistic, you still have the right to say it. No one can take that right away from you. Regardless of how you feel about something or someone there will always be one person with a different opinion about the topic. This quote to me is saying you should not be hated or punished for having your own opinion.
    Voltaire was the youngest of five children. He was a French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher famous for his wit. He was a writer and went against his father that wanted him to be a notary. I think this quote he made is based on his childhood and adulthood. I feel that his dad was making it seem as it was a bad thing to become a writer instead of doing what Voltaire really wanted to do. Also, as him being the youngest child in the family his siblings may have pushed him around and not let him speak his mind.
    This is what I think about the quote Voltaire made. No matter how you feel or what you say , you will always have the right to say it and people should not judge you for it.
    Veronica Borja Period4

    1. Your response to this quote is really good and I agree with your opinion of this quote. That's very true that everyone has a right to say what they feel and no one can take that right from you. I like how you worded this. Good job!

  46. I think that this quote means even if you disagree with someone you always have to respect that it is their opinion and if you have the right to say what you want then so should anybody else. Voltaire was a French philosopher that always went against what the church was saying. He was one of the first people that started to support freedom of religion. He said that people have the right to believe what they want and the church shouldn't tell them otherwise. I agree with him because even though he was going against the church he still has the right to believe what he wants and the church was a little too strict back then. That is why today we have freedom of speech and we always have people out in the streets protesing for what they believe. The government thinks that they are wrong but they can't do anything about it because they have the right to say whatever they want. It all falls back to freedoms and respect for other people's beliefs.

    1. I agree that you should respect others opinion, and I liked your response.


  47. I think that the quote means that we all have the right to say whatever we want and it doesn't matter it is correct or not. We all have the right to say what we think, feel and express everything we want. I agree and disagree with the quote. I agree because I had the right to say my opinion and I know that some people would discuss what I think. I disagree because I don’t like when someone tell me that I’m wrong because nobody is perfect. Voltaire was a historian and philosopher famous for his wit. He was an advocate for freedom of religion and speech and I believe that’s what qualifies him to make this statement. His motive to write this quote was to show how he expresses freedom of expression.

    Jocelyn Hernandez
    Period 5

    1. I agree that everyone should have the right to say what they want to say, and that it shouldn't matter what others think.

  48. Yes, I agree with this quote and when I read it it tells me that many people will have different opinions and thoughts on certain things and you don't have to agree, but it doesn't make what that person says less valuable because everyone has a right to their own opinion. We should defend for people to be able to voice their opinion, but that doesn't mean we have to agree with what their statement.
    Voltaire was a French enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher famous for his wit and advocacy of freedom of religion and expression. He was a versital writer writing more than 20,000 letters, more than 2,000 books and pamphlets. He wanted to be a writer even though his father wanted him to be a lawyer. He's qualified to make this statement because he experience what he wrote in his quote. Yes, he lived the life that he talked about because in his life his father wanted him to chase the dream of him being a lawyer, but Voltaire decided to be a writer. Even though his father didn't agree his decision, Voltaire still kept writing despite his father's opinion.
    This quote can relate to our world today for instance religion. There is many religions out and I am a Christian and with all the different beliefs that certain Christians have just because we believe differently doesn't mean they shouldn't have a right to what they believe. We as Americans have a right to religion and most importantly freedom. We were given a freedom of speech in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights in 1920. So everyone has a right to what they say and feel but we don't have to agree, but if they can't voice their opinion we should fight for their voice to be heard despite of differences of opinions.

  49. “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

    Respond to the quote above. What do you think it means? Do you agree or disagree and why? Who was Voltaire- what qualifies him to make this statement? Did Voltaire live his life by this statement, how so?
    Also, connect with the quote (text to self, text to text, or text to world)- how does the sentiment of the quote still resonate today- what situations can you think of that exemplify what Voltaire is saying?

    I think he is trying to say that even though he might disagree with what people are saying because of his opinion, he believes that everybody has the right to speak their mind. He will defend that belief forever. I agree with him with this quote. I think even you don´t believe in something someone else is saying they still have the right to speak your mind. Just like you would like for people to listen to your ideas or thoughts. He did live his life by this quote he defended everybody´s right to speak freely. Now all the people in the United States have freedom of speech and many other things.
    Irvin Casillas
    Period 4

    1. When you talked about what this quote meant to you I agree with your response. I like when you said that he will defend that belief forever because what you said correlated with the part of the quote when it said, "I will defend to the death your right to say it." Everyone does have a right to speak their mind regardless of differences of opinions. You explained this good and made it easy to understand.

    2. I like how you broke down the quote.

  50. The quote means that even if you disagree with someone and he thinks that he is right you will still agree with the person.François-Marie Arouet, known by his nom de plume Voltaire, was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and separation of church and state.
    Evan Yusuf
    Per 4

  51. If you believe in something that I do not believe in, then I am fine with that. For example, if you were to believe in that there was an extinct animal still alive, and I disagree. I may disagree with you, but I believe in that there probably is. It is like not actually believing in what your friend says, but you still would believe in them just because they are your friend. Another example is like our rights. You may think that it is fine to have a firearm, but I may think that firearms should not be in anyones hand. As much as I may disagree with you, I would still agree with you, as long as there is evidence or explanation why you think you are able to carry that firearm. I agree with the quote because if you were to believe in something that I would have not believed in, then I would still support you. It does not mean that we are not friends, it just means that we have different opinions, but we still support each others backs. Voltaire was a french writer, historian, and philosopher. He was famous for his attack on the Catholic Church, and also about the freedom of religion and freedom of expression. This quote really shows what he is about. After what he has done, such as the freedom of expression, this quote shows him. He lived his life by this because he was fighting for this. He was trying to achieve what he has said in this quote. His fight for freedom of religion is a great example. If someone were to be Catholic, and the other were to be an atheist, well even though they both believe in something that is differently apart from each other, but they are still both human. And they still both would help each other. This quote can still be said for todays world. For an example. if you were to be a lawyer, and you are fighting for someones side. If that person you are fighting for says something that you do not believe in, you may not believe in it, but person does and you are going to fight for him. Another would be about stuff that goes on in the congress and all that. They all try to come up with something that would help us out. Even though there maybe many sides to this, they all come up with one conclusion. Even though some of them may not like it, they still help out with it.

    1. I like how you gave examples to back up your claim.

  52. I think this quote means that if you say something you are going to defend it, and you are not going to care about what other people say about it . I agree with this quote because you shouldn't care about what other people say about it ; it is your own opinion. Voltaire was writer , historian , etc. He fought for freedom of religion , freedom of expression , and separation of church and state. He qualifies to make this statement because he fought for our freedom of religion and for our freedom of expression. Voltaire did live through this statement because he fought for what he stated. This quote still resonates to when people do not care about what other people say about their opinion. For example my dad he does not care about what other people say about what he says or what he wears.

    Eduardo Soto
    Period 6

    1. I like how you put that you shouldn't care what other people think about you

  53. I think that Voltaire is saying that it doesn’t matter if he disagrees with you, you should always have the right to give your opinion, and say what you want to say. I agree with this quote because everyone should be able to give their opinion without it mattering if someone agrees or disagrees with you. Voltaire was born on November 21, 1694 and died on May 30, 1778, and he was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher. He was famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, and separation of church and state. Voltaire is qualified to make this statement because he made and advocacy of freedom of expression. This still resonates because everyone should be able to give their opinion, even if you don’t agree/like their opinion.

    - Alejandra Valadez P.6

    1. I think everyone agrees with this. It common knowledge that we should be able to express our opinions

    2. I like how you included why Voltaire was famous for this quote.

  54. I completely agree. What this man was trying to say is that it doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with what they're saying, they have the right to say it and I would defend their right to say it. Because no matter what you are saying and whether I agree or not doesn't matter. It's your right to say it. You have the right to an opinion and to whatever you want to say. That right should not be taken away. You could be wrong or lying but you still have the right to say it, and anyone would fight for their right to say what they want to say. Voltaire is well known for fighting for freedom of religion. He fought for people to have the right to believe and say what they want to believe and say. He fought for people's right for freedom of speech and religion even though he might not have agreed with what he believed in. So, I completely agree with this quote.

    1. I agree with you, because I would defend the rights to say what you want too.


  55. I agree with this quote because I think its talking about how regardless if you agree or disagree with someone's opinion, you can’t make them change their mind. They have every right to think what they think and that is something you cannot control. Voltaire was many great things, but what I think qualifies him to state this quote, is that he is a philosopher. Meaning he would think deeper into subjects or problems. With this being said, Voltaire probably went through many arguments with other people about different subjects, since they both had different views. Like he says in his quote, he cannot change their opinion. An example of this quote in modern day could be arguments with family. You may think something you did might of not been a big deal, while they're angry about the actions you made. Regardless of what you say, at the end of the day it is their opinion and you cannot change it.
    Arlette Suarez
    Per. 4

    1. I like how you put that people should all have the right to think the way they do.

  56. I think that the quote, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,” is about Voltaire defending the rights of the people. He may not agree or like what you are saying, but he still believe that everybody has the right to speak their mind and say how they feel freely. I agree with this quote, because I believe everybody should have the right to speak freely, whether I like what they are saying or not. Voltaire was a French historian, Enlightenment writer, and a philosopher famous for his wit, and his advocacy of freedom of religion and expression. His advocacy of freedom of expression and religion qualifies him to make this statement. Voltaire lived his life by this statement by always speaking his mind freely. Connecting this quote to the world, a lot of people in history fought hard for the freedom or our right to say what we want. Connecting this quote to myself, I always speak my mind and say what I want whether others like it or not. Connecting this text to text, this quote basically expresses how Voltaire feels. The sentiment of the quote still resonates today because amendment one in our law states that we have the right to say what we want and express our views freely. A situation that I can think of that exemplifies what Voltaire is saying is peaceful protesting. People may not like that they do it, but the protesters still have the right to do it. In conclusion, people should have the right to say whatever they want, whether it is liked or not.
